Coby's Blog Jabs,Month 2 Clinic and Jabs

Clinic and Jabs

On the 19th June, Coby had his appointment at the hospital for his Talipes – or so we thought!  When we got there, we found that it wasn’t for physio for his talipes after all, it was actually to have his hips checked!! His hips have been fine and have been checked before, but apparently they have a specialist check them out if talipes has been diagnosed.  So the German specialist checked him ou and – surprise surprise – his hips were fine!

As we were completely surprised about it not being physio, the specialist did go and see if she could rustle up a physio to have a check, and luckily, she found one, who was really nice.  She came in and checked out his ankle and said that it was perfectly fine and will sort itself out as he grows up.  We kind of knew this already as well, as we had been told this several times since he was born.

So, all in all, it was a bit of a waste of time, but I suppose it backs it up that he is a perfectly healthy little boy! 😉

The following Monday, Coby had his 8 week jabs for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Whooping Cough, Hib and Meningitis.  Kelly took him to this and the poor little boy cried his eyes out, and wasn’t very happy for the rest of the day either.  He didn’t sleep great at night and kept ‘jerking’ in his sleep and then crying loudly – as if he was remembering the jabs he had had.  He was much better the following day though!  At least it is another month until his next set of jabs! 😉

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