Coby's Blog Christmas,Month 7-9 Coby’s 1st Christmas

Coby’s 1st Christmas

Unfortunately, Coby’s first Christmas didn’t go according to plan as he was quite ill over the entire Christmas period and practically in to New Year. His illness started on Christmas Eve when he just wouldn’t sleep in his cot and had to be in with me and Kelly all night, which stopped us from sleeping as well. The poor chap would just wake up crying. Over the next few nights, he wouldn’t even go down at all and had to be cuddled all the time, so myself and Kelly ended up staying up with him downstairs for half the night each. Coby had a high temperature and wouldn’t eat, and seemed to have a cough and a cold. It wasn’t very nice at all as, apart from giving him Calpol, we couldn’t really do anything to help him. Ben and Aaron were also suffering from illnesses, so it was going around.

He was well enough to open lots of his presents from his stocking and from under the tree on Christmas morning though, and played with a few of them, but wasn’t really well enough to get very excited about it all.  He had some lovely presents from Father Christmas and everyone else which included some chocolate, clothes, some musical toys and other bits. He dozed quite a lot during the day, whilst being cuddled, and managed to eat some of his Christmas Dinner, but that was about all he ate really.   Most of the time he was cuddled up with either Kelly or myself.

Christmas night was the night when he started to get quite bad, so all the days blurred into one after that.  He didn’t really get properly better until New Year, and even then, he wouldn’t really sleep in his cot. In fact, he was up at the turn of the year with us, as he just wouldn’t stay asleep, so he saw the first change in year since he was born!  Hopefully next Christmas (and New Year), everyone will stay fit and healthy, and we can enjoy it much more!

Here are some photographs from Christmas Eve when Coby got a couple of presents (new Christmas pyjamas to wear).

Here are photos from Christmas Day.

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