Coby's Blog Pre School,Year 3 1st Official Week At Pre-school

1st Official Week At Pre-school

This past Monday, Coby had his first official day at pre-school. Both Kelly and I were quite nervous as he had a full day on his first day, mainly because it was also Bumblebees birthday so they were having a teddy bears picnic party. If there wasn’t a party, then he may have only stayed half a day. Ben and Aaron were also home still as they didn’t start until Wednesday (lucky boys!).

Anyway, Coby had a photo taken before he left the house but had already said they he didn’t want to go. I started work later that day so I could take him in. When we pulled up, he got out of the car and wanted me to pick him up immediately. So we went on in, with me carrying him. Of course, he started to cry then and his little bottom lip was quivering which almost set me off at one point. We put his coat on his hook and handed his drink over and then we waited until his little friends arrived (Lottie and Ali, though Ali was late). You could see the little fella was trying hard not to cry and he luckily stopped when Lottie arrived. Kelly was doing very well not to cry as well! He eventually got down from me and one of the ladies there took him and Lottie in to sit down. We gave him a kiss and said goodbye and left him. It was very hard for us as it means our little boy isn’t very little anymore. We said that Kelly would ring after dinner to check if he was OK or not. If not, she would bring him home, but it turned out he was fine! Phew! When Kelly, Ben and Aaron picked him up, he had had a lovely day playing, so that was a major relief!

1st Official Day At Pre-school

1st Official Day At Pre-school

Wednesday morning was his second slot there and, again, there were tears going in. I was there again, which I was pleased about, as it was also Ben and Aaron’s first day back, so I went and took them in as well. Coby again was cuddling me when we went in and welled up a bit, but he wasn’t quite as bad this time. When Lottie arrived, he calmed down straightaway, got down and they both walked in with Karen (the lady who was looking after them to begin with). Again, when he was picked up at midday, Kelly was told he was fine again and was having fun and doing very well. Phew again!

This morning (Friday), I didn’t take him in with Kelly as I had to get to work, but he went in with no tears!! Yay! He is in for the full day again today so hopefully he will be fine, eat his dinner, and come out happy again at 3pm!

Well done Coby for being so brave! XX

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