Coby is now well into his second full term at pre-school and is doing well. He is happy and quiet there and the staff members say he is learning well. He has definitely come on leaps and bounds with his speech although he is getting a speech specialist to help him say some of the sounds, as he is still a little behind where he should be. He can say ‘milk’ properly now, which is great, as his key worker had been working on this with him a lot. He is still playing with his usual friends but is starting to make some others there now, which is good. Can’t believe it is only 7 months and he will start big school!
At home, Coby is completely opposite to what he is like at Bumblebees! He is very loud and shouts all the time – probably to get attention from Ben and Aaron. He is also being awkward with his food at the moment, and won’t really eat anything proper. He is also spending a lot of his time playing the Wii U on the Gamepad, instead of playing with toys. He is actually getting quite good at Mario Kart 8 now, and can finish a race fairly quickly. He also doesn’t like to wear his coat and a jumper, even if the weather is freezing cold! The number of times we have had to force him to wear one of them has been high and then he just shouts and cries, until he can take it off again. Dear me!
Generally, he is growing up really fast – we think because he has to compete with Ben and Aaron. He seems a big lad to me, but he is much smaller than some of the other children his age that he plays with. He still likes football, though we haven’t been able to play it very much recently, and he still likes me to hold him and give him a cuddle and sing to him when I take him to bed. Although, he usually has Mummy take him to bed. 😉