Chicken Pox

The week before Coby’s 4th birthday party, he came down with Chicken Pox. We aren’t sure where he got it from as it had been the Easter Holidays the previous couple of weeks, so he must have picked it up from somewhere during that time. He came out with it quite a lot and had some really large blisters in places, and lots on his scalp, which was obviously not very nice. We had to plaster him in cream each night and he had a bath in some oats on most days. Luckily, the spots came out pretty quickly and dried up within a few days, so he was on the mend, and not contagious, by the day of his party (which was a week after he started to come out in spots).  He still has scabs on him now, which is about 3 weeks after he first got it, but they are all healing nicely and it won’t be long before they have all gone again. He does have a little scar on his forehead though!

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