Coby's Blog Year 4 Speech Therapist Appointment

Speech Therapist Appointment

Earlier this week, Coby went to see a speech therapist with Kelly in Tavistock. He was booked in to see her as he is still struggling with some sounds in his speech and we wanted her to check on him. He has got a bit better recently and she said that we had nothing to worry about and that he is just a late developer with his speech. She was with him for an hour and played some games which helped show her what Coby could and couldn’t say and she even got him to say ‘ffff’ properly there and then. Coby was very proud to show me he could say ‘fire’ properly when I got home! He has another appointment to go back in a few weeks, just for a further check, but it seems that we have nothing to worry about anyway. Funnily enough, since the appointment, Coby has been saying words better than before, so perhaps he has realised that he needs to think a bit more about the sounds of words that he is trying to say. Magic!

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