Coby's Blog Year 4 Forehead Cut Open

Forehead Cut Open

On Sunday morning, we had to rush Coby to the hospital to get a large gash on his head glued together! It came about as I heard Aaron say ‘let’s have a fight, Coby’ so I told them not to and 1 minute later there was a bang and Coby screaming. It turned out that Aaron was swinging him around and let go and Coby went straight into our little black table, headfirst. His forehead hit the corner of the table which cut it open. The gash was about 0.5cm x 3cm and it was bleeding loads. There was blood everywhere! So Kelly picked him up whilst I dashed off upstairs to get a wet flannel to push against his head. So we left Ben and Aaron (who was in tears) behind and I drove them to A&E and dropped them off and went home again. Luckily, they were only there for about 90 mins and Coby was looked at and his gash cleaned up and glued together with special glue that helps the cut scab over. The nurse said that it was a clean cut so should heal really well, although there will be a scar there. She also said that it shouldn’t come up in a large bruise or lump as it had bleed loads, so that was a good thing as well. She did some other tests to make sure he didn’t have a head injury but that was all fine. So now Coby has to stay away from water on his forehead for at least 3 days and be careful not to catch it and open it up again. We certainly weren’t expecting that on Sunday morning and hopefully it will teach all three of them to do as they are told a bit more from now on!

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