Coby has now started his weekly training with Plymouth Kolts Under 6’s at GOALS on a Tuesday between 6 and 7pm. He is loving it!! 😉 He has been going
Coby has now started his weekly training with Plymouth Kolts Under 6’s at GOALS on a Tuesday between 6 and 7pm. He is loving it!! 😉 He has been going
Today, Kelly and I went into assembly and saw Coby get his 1st Gold Merit Certificate, which is for achieving 30 merit marks. He was presented with his certificate from
Coby has now had 3 swimming lessons at Meadowlands and he is loving it! What a change compared to the two attempts at making him go before when he wouldn’t
Yesterday, Coby had his first speech and language session at school. The task for the session was to go over words starting with ‘sm’ and ‘sn’ such as smoke, snow,
A quick update to say that a couple of weeks ago, Coby had an appointment with his new speech and language person. She was apparently very nice and said she