Kelly got Coby weighed today and he is now 19 lb and 6 oz, so he has gained almost 1 lb in 8 weeks. He has dropped down a few
Kelly got Coby weighed today and he is now 19 lb and 6 oz, so he has gained almost 1 lb in 8 weeks. He has dropped down a few
Coby has been an absolute nightmare sleeping over the past 2 months, to the point where Kelly and I have never been so tired! Finally, last week, he had a
Over the past week, Coby has basically started to crawl! 😉 He is not quite up on his hands and knees properly, but still moves around with ease and is
Here are 3 lovely pictures of Coby sat on his bean bag smiling. These were taken by Kelly about a month ago, the day before he turned 5 months old.